UV Tanning Beds
Having a tan enhances your appearance year-round, giving you self-confidence. A tan can bring definition to the body, helping you look and feel thinner When you're looking for a top-level tanning salon in Casper, Wyoming, turn to Suntan USA. We provide a variety of tanning beds perfect for your individual needs.
Schedule online or call us today. Walk-ins are welcome, too!
A Guide to Indoor Tanning
1. Check with your physician if you are taking medication, some medications will increase your sensitivity to ultraviolet light. 2. You may tan in swimwear, underwear, or natural. 3. Apply lip balm with an SPF. Lips do not produce melanin and will overexpose if not protected. 4. Remove your contact lenses or use eye drops. 5. Always wear protective goggles while tanning, not doing so can cause permanent damage to your eyes. Eyelids are not thick enough to shield out the UV light. Even if you use a towel to cover your face during your session please use protective eyewear under the towel. 6. Please remove all jewelry, watches, and do not use outdoor lotions or products containing mineral oil while tanning in an indoor tanning bed. These products will ruin the acrylics of the beds. 7. Sensitive skin and areas that are not normally exposed to the UV light should be covered with clothing or a towel halfway through your session. 8. Apply a tanning lotion immediately before your tanning session to lock in bronzers and extend the life of your tan! When your tanning session is complete, use a moisturizer. *Note: Our tanning professionals will be available to guide you ever step of the way, and it is important to always remember: do not ever overexpose! Tanning is a natural process that takes time. Start with only a few minutes and gradually increase time by 1 to 2 minutes to minimize the risk of over exposure. It is recommended to tan every other day although, you may tan every day but, allow your skin at least 24 hours to process the tan. Once you have achieved your tanning goals and you would like to maintain your beautiful glow, tan at least 1 to 2 times a week.